should it be digital.



IT consulting project management team management software design and development WEB design and full-stack development electronics and automation digital marketing SEM / SEO

I do IT consulting for companies and startups.

I am an IT expert with over 30 years of international experience in software design and development, database, project management and team management for customers and systems of all sizes and complexity: from business processes to medical, from eCommerce to automation, from cloud computing to IoT, publishing, WEB and digital signage.

I help companies and startups to develop and implement ideas and projects, to consolidate and manage IT teams and departments, to re-engineer and optimize processes, to solve problems and criticalities.

As an entrepreneur I founded and co-founded companies and startups in Italy and Europe in the development, communication and EBPP sectors.

I have extensive experience in customer relationship and as their technical and project contact and interface. I have held roles of product manager, product specialist and deployment manager in important multinational corporations, speaking the languages ​​of planning, communication, marketing and accounting.

In the WEB field I have developed and managed integrated corporate projects, eCommerce, business and data analysis, ePayment, digital marketing, social marketing, SEM and positioning / SEO.
I have designed and developed both integrated and stand-alone mobile apps for Android devices (Java / Kotlin).

I’ve been a technical forensic consultant both CTP and CTU for the Court of Milan.
I participated in TCA for government procurements.

I also deal with the design, proof-of-concept and small-scale electronic prototyping of digital microprocessor and microcontroller boards for PLC, IoT, DSP, automation, robotics, sensors and telemetry, embedded systems and their integrations up to support in the processes of certification and industrialization.

About the rest,
I play the piano worse than when I played it well, I run early in the morning, I fix things, love reading, I build other things, do photograph, prepare coffee with passion, I’m a total enthusiast of aerospace and space programs, I cook gourmet, definitely a Formula 1 addicted, I own a sewing machine, I fly aircrafts with ICAO PPL license, quit smoking, I 3D-print stuff and fly drones. Maker, geek, maybe nerd.

Luca Favenzi

Some clients I’ve had the honor of working with: